Support and Training – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

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Support and Training

At JIPS, we understand that every displacement situation is different, so we offer a wide range of services from direct work in the field, remote support, capacity building and scoping missions to strategic advice on identifying mechanisms to improve displacement data in specific situations.

We support governments, local authorities and humanitarian and development organisations at all stages of the profiling process, from planning, feasibility assessments and determining the most appropriate methodology to the sharing of tools and guidance during data analysis, reporting and dissemination.

We also conduct and facilitate training activities at the global, regional, and national level. In-country training may be tailored to a local displacement context and/or specific profiling exercise, while broader initiatives – including our flagship Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) – aim to build capacity and a community of practice.

  • icon-supportCountry Support
    We support government, humanitarian, and development partners to build their capacities and data systems on internal displacement, by providing technical and coordination support on profiling processes, training, strategic advice, and guidance.
  • icon-trainingProfiling Coordination Training
    The PCT is a practical and hands-on course held over six days. It aims to provide participants from the humanitarian and development community with the skills needed to conduct collaborative data collection exercises in displacement situations.
  • icon-trainingmoduleThematic & partner training
    We build capacity on a range of topics related to producing and using data and analysis on internal displacement situations. This includes profiling, durable solutions analysis, urban profiling, and IDP statistics at the global and regional level.

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