Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) – JIPS – Joint IDP Profiling Service

Profiling Coordination Training (PCT)

The Profiling Coordination Training (PCT) is a practical, hands-on course held over six days that takes participants through the profiling process from start to finish, focusing on the collaborative aspect around data collection, analysis, and use. Designed as a simulation exercise set in the fictional country of Freedonia, the PCT builds directly off our real-life experience from working in diverse displacement contexts in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Throughout the interactive course, participants are brought to develop their coordination, communication, technical skills and thematic knowledge – expertise that is highly valuable in any data collection effort on a daily basis. Looking at two complex scenarios of protracted displacement – a longstanding civil war that led to the displacement of thousands of people in Freedonia, and cyclical natural disasters that lead to periodical displacement in the country –, they get to work with three datasets (an urban, a rural, and one on hard-to-reach areas), and learn to use a mixed approach combining quantitative and qualitative methods.

What does the course include?

The PCT’s content is built around our experience of profiling in protracted displacement situations. The course is updated for each edition to integrate new standards and latest tools, good practices, and innovations. Participants are equipped with a range of skills, including:

  • Identifying when profiling is the most appropriate approach and how it can complement other data systems
  • Identifying and getting key stakeholders on board, including different government entities and levels, as well as how engaging displacement-affected communities
  • Evaluating the data literacy of partners and mapping the information landscape, including through joint secondary data review
  • Developing an effective, rigorous, and agreed-upon methodology
  • Designing fit-for-purpose data collection tools
  • Developing communication and advocacy strategies in an adverse stakeholder environment
  • Implementing a rigorous process of collecting, processing and jointly analysing the collected data
  • Defining strategies to jointly develop recommendations and plan for the dissemination of results

The PCT’s practical emphasis gives participants the sense that they have actually undertaken a profiling exercise, improving their technical knowledge and their confidence to carry out a real project in the future.

How to apply

The training is designed for government officials and members of UN agencies, local and international NGOs from the humanitarian and development sector, who are looking to build their operational, technical and coordination competencies. JIPS is especially encouraging colleagues from National Statistics Offices and government bodies concerned with internal displacement to apply.

The participants are selected based on a set of criteria, including their involvement and experience in projects related to internal displacement, and their role and function in their organisations. The number of seats for each training is limited, hence we typically look for participants who within their organisations, can act as multipliers and ambassadors for rigorous and collaborative data collection efforts.

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